Diane Hardy Waller

It is all about art. 
What is IT?   It is life, love, the pursuit of happiness. Living the creative life and making art everyday is a passion that drives and inspires me.   I work in oil, watercolor, photography and ceramics.  And I write.   It is all alchemy.   I am always in wonder at what my life has become. “
Here’s my bio in a nutshell.
Designing jet engines, in Florida, became boring so Diane studied for her MBA, worked for city government in Indianapolis and moved on to be an Association Executive in Chicago only to burn out again. After much soul searching she began a career in commissioned sales in real estate condominium conversions, starting in Chicago and moving all over the USA, in fact 21 times, ending up in the Big Apple.  After 30+ years participating in all aspects of the real estate business the urge to segue into something more creative became compelling.  Studying part time at the Art Students League of New York was great but not enough, illustrating children's books with her photography was also good, however, becoming a partner at La Mano Pottery Mud Matters Pottery rounded out her artistic and business life.

Making whimsical pottery and painting abstracted New York scenes in oil and watercolor plus a new found love of writing fiction keep the creative juices flowing.
Diane Hardy Waller
25 West 13th St. 6AS
New York, NY  10011
(212) 355-0065
The artist brings something into the world that didn't exist before, and …she  does it without destroying something else. -John Updike, writer (1932-2009)

...Everypne's work should be - whether you dance or paint or sing or write. It is a confession, a baring of your soul , your faults, those things you simply cannot or will not understand or accept. You stumble forward, confused, and you share. If you are lucky, you learn something.   Arthur Miller